The Dental Board of California (Board) is conducting a statewide study of the practice of Registered Dental Assistants in Extended Functions (RDAEFs). Announcing the Specialty Dental Clinic Grant Program.Links to both the online registry for health care professionals and the online confirmation registry can be found under “What’s New” and under “Quick Hits” column on Board’s website, Important Notice: Changes to Continuing Education Courses Required for License Renewal Effective January 1, 2023 Exempts the prescription transfer requirements under specified conditions.

Requires a prescriber exempt from electronic prescribing to register annually with the Board and state they meet one or more of the specified criteria.Creates additional exemptions from electronic prescriptions as specified.Provides authority for pharmacies, pharmacists, and authorized practitioners to decline to dispense or furnish an electronic prescription submitted via software that does not meet specified requirements.In addition, the Board has created an online confirmation registry for verifying a health care professional has registered for an exemption to the e-prescription requirements.ĪB 852 makes several changes to e-prescribing requirements in California, including: The California State Board of Pharmacy has created an online registry for health care professionals to register for an exemption to requirements to issue prescriptions as electronic data transmission prescriptions – also known as e-prescriptions – pursuant to AB 852 (Chapter 518, Statutes of 2022). Online Registry for Health Care Professionals Requesting Exemptions to E-Prescription Requirements.Please note, individuals wishing to continue to practice in California should submit an application and the necessary documentation for licensure immediately as the EMSA out-of-state medical personnel authorization approval concludes on February 28, 2023, and no further practice pursuant to that authorization will be permitted.

Dentists, registered dental assistants, and registered dental assistants in extended functions who have not received California licensure and wish to continue practicing, should view the website call (916) 263-2300, or email for information on how to obtain licensure in California and/or temporary licensure options. Important Reminder: Following the anticipated termination of California’s COVID-19 State of Emergency on February 28, 2023, health care providers licensed out-of-state who received the Emergency Medical Services Authority’s (EMSA) authorization to practice in the state without a license issued by the Dental Board of California will no longer be permitted to practice pursuant to that authorization after that date.