Mega Drive games also received re-release as part of collector's editions for the Sony PS2 and PSP, and other systems, as well as being available for download on the Nintendo Wii Virtual Console. Games continued to be released internationally as recently as 2002.

The first successful 16-bit system, the Mega Drive's 14-year lifespan places it second only to the Nintendo Game Boy. With seven distinct versions the Mega Drive has the largest number of licensed versions of any console. The Genesis could do things that the NES simply couldn't. Load game with genesis plus gx core, go into settings -> input -> port 1 -> device type from 3 button to 6 button. Sega also focused attention on its better graphics, speed, and sound, especially after the release of Sonic. These efforts were often successful, as Sega marketed the Genesis as hip, cool, and edgy. In addition to porting over popular coin-op games, Sega executives worked hard to lure developers away from Nintendo. Dubbed the Genesis, this version was developed with the American market and consumer in mind.

A year later, Sega released the Mega Drive in the United States. This trick will work if the value of the tests of sounds, music or effects in the options is not equal to 1 Flag 4 - tips from Reptile at the beginning of each fight Flag 5 - infinite continuations Flag 6 - the computer always performs "fatalities" Flag 7 - always fight on "The Courtyard" before the appearance of Goro.Released in 1988, the Sega Mega Drive heralded the coming of the 16-bit era and inaugurated the Console Wars of the 1990s. Flag 0 - sudden death for the 2nd player Flag 1 - sudden death for one player Flag 2 - visible shadows of fighters on the Pit-arena Flag 3 - by choosing Pit as a battle arena, you will see the faces of the fighters against the background of the Moon. This menu has Characteristics that require decoding: Chop-Chop - you need to choose one of the items that you have to test for strength in the power test 1Play \ 2Play Chop - select the frequency of the power tests: x0 - no checks, x1 - after each fight, x2 - after every two fights, etc. After that, one additional option should appear - "Cheat Enabled". Type: down + up + left + left + A + right + down. To access the secret setup menu, wait for the Start \ Options screen to appear.